The Man Engine - a Giant Puppet the size of three double decker buses, stalked through Cornwall in 2016, calling everyone to recall Cornwall's rich Mining Heritage, as a World Heritage Site. Before the puppet and his accompanying carnival floats were made, students from schools all over Cornwall took part in designing the parade. Jo Tyler worked with 5 Secondary School and 20 Primary School across Cornwall, between March and June 2016. They produced photmontages and prints, bunting and paintings, all of which informed the designs for the artists who made the pageant wagons to accompany The Man Engine on his pilgrimage.
"....Teaching young people about their heritage, a subject not on the curriculum, and watching them develop a sense of pride and an emotional attachment to the subject matter..... The education package was really well thought through, and it was lovely to see children from across the spectrum (ability/cool factor/interest etc.) really engaging – the Mine Captains were particularly great. Great moments: " Hearing two Mine Captains describe the Trailblazer as “our bus” when they saw it unveiled on Trevithick Day."
"There has been a slow burn of hysteria surrounding the ME, started with the communities and schools programme. It has sparked a resurged interest in engineering and Cornwall, and tapped into a sense of place. People are still talking about the event and sharing family/mining histories."
Excerpt From the Man Engine Evaluation Report