Arts residency work - Creative Kids
For over 20 years, Jo has designed and supported the development of arts in schools, and in community settings. She worked as a Creative Agent for Creative Partnerships, as a partner schools manager for Devon Arts in Schools Initiative ( DAISI), and has run her own company, Creative Kids, since 2000. Jo has enabled students to design 5 separate pieces of huge wall art in partnership with Plymouth Rail Station, which all the passengers still enjoy. She has worked with Golden Tree, and with rambunctious Social club, to bring art our of the established gallery settings, and into the public domain.
If you want to contact Jo for an informal (free) 30 minute discussion about designing an exciting project for your venue, which will involve your participants, please feel free to call, email or text.
Jo is passionate about offering a chance for creativity to be available for everyone, regardless of income or background.
Aim Higher Torquay Carnival
Carnival Arts
Jo worked with children in a youth club in Torquay, to assist them with designing and creating their own carnival figures. We were overjoyed when the young people won FIRST PLACE in the Torquay carnival parade. Some of the students said that they had never won anything in their lives before. It was really moving, since we had spent many wild and wonderful hours at the youth club, designing, painting and rehearsing our parade. Great work Torquay youth club, and Aim Higher!
Feature 2
The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Nullam sit amet nisi condimentum erat iaculis auctor. Nullam sit amet nisi condimentum erat iaculis auctor. Donec eget risus diam. Donec eget risus diam.
Feature 3
The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus a ante congue, porta nunc nec, hendrerit turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.